Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Project 11: Mounting An Exhibition (Scale)

The "From Nothing to Something" Exhibition

9 December 2011 is a memorable day as it is the first exhibition  day of HBP students in USM. The theme of 2011/2012 exhibition is “ From Noting to Something”. As an architecture students, I also took part in designing the banner to invite lectures and other students to the RUS 104 Studio Exhibition.

In order to exhibit the individual assignments, I did an A3 size portfolio to accommodate and protect all my assignments during semester one.

Besides that, I also photographed all the previous project and pasted it onto an A1 size mounting board. 

And this is my booth!

 This is our group 10 booth for exhibiting the group works done by us during semester one.

Project 11: Mounting An Exhibition (Scale)

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