Sunday, November 13, 2011

Project 8: Object Connection (Jointing)

Process of Making A Puzzle

We were given a task to form a huge "RUS 104" puzzle which integrating all the 171 HBP students' puzzles and my puzzle is located at B18. Therefore, I have 3 neighbours - A18 Nur Hafizah Yusof, B17 Boon Sin & C18 YiFan. 

Instructions given by our lecturer.

I planned to use all the previous projects in designing my puzzle.

And this is my doddle of the previous 7 projects.

Doddle at my puzzle 

Draw the shadows.

After colouring the background, I attached the cartridge paper on the mounting board and foam board to make it thicker. 

My puzzle!

Connect with my neighbours.

All the puzzles are integrated to form a huge graphic. 

Project 8: Object Connection (Jointing) 

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