Sunday, September 18, 2011


Process of Drawing a Logo

When I was given a task to draw my personal logo, the first thought cross my mind is the building of HBP in USM  as this building is the most significant building in my life. I believe that it will make a great change to my life.

The fireworks in the logo signify the birth of a new architect --- CHOO SIEW YING whereas the wave in the logo marks the obstacles that I might face in future. However, I believe that I will be able to surmount any obstructions ahead of me as I have faith in the education of USM and with the knowledge gotten from the school of HBP.

Process of Colouring

I coloured brown in my logo to symbolise simplicity, comfort and approach ability. Light brown gives a genuine feeling symbolising the originality of my imagination and ideas. As brown is the most abundant in nature, I hope that all of my products are ubiquitious over the world and the concept of designing is always connected to the nature.

Dark brown symbolises home and earth whereas white indicates the purity and sanctity of buildings as buildings play a vital role in the basic living of humans.

The Final Product

- This is my final logo -

- Project 1A: My Link ( line and shape ) -

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